


The Smart Cybersecurity Network (SERENE-RISC) is a knowledge mobilization network created to improve the general public’s awareness of cybersecurity risks and to empower all to reduce those risks through knowledge.

SERENE-RISC is using knowledge mobilization, a technique that involves moving knowledge from where it was created to where it can be used, strengthening connections among research, policy and practice.  Knowledge mobilization takes a scientific approach to implementing and harmonizing multiple research disciplines and to sharing that research between research producers (e.g. university researchers) and the end-users who could benefit from the research results, including government, industry and not-for-profit representatives.

The Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada (NCE) federal funding agency and the Université de Montréal, the host institution, announced the release of SERENE-RISC’s funding on April 15, 2014.  SERENE-RISC was officially launched a few weeks later at the network’s inaugural workshop in Ottawa on May 13, 2014.

SERENE-RISC network partners include more than 40 academics across 10 disciplines at 24 post-secondary institutions from Quebec, Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia, more than 24 public and private sector members, and 6 not-for-profit organizations. 

Network Vision

SERENE-RISC aims to be a cybersecurity information exchange that is recognized as an open, inclusive, and unbiased forum to unlock the value of knowledge on cybersecurity risks, threats and solution for all Canadians

Mission Statement

Through the compilation and open sharing of existing and relevant research in cybersecurity, the Network works to:

  • Reinforce the capacity of Canadian companies and government agencies to manage online risks and to protect citizens and consumers against the full spectrum of cybersecurity risks. 
  • Combine dispersed knowledge from engineering and social sciences to assist in the design and implementation of integrated and effective cybersecurity solutions.
  • Increase the capacity of partners to forecast, identify, measure, prevent, and disrupt vulnerabilities and attacks.
  • Increase the resilience of the Canadian digital ecosystem through improved technical, social, and regulatory solutions to adverse situations.
  • Improve awareness of the general public to cybersecurity risks and empower all to reduce those risks through knowledge.


The following values define what is important to the Network and guide SERENE-RISC’s decisions and actions.

  • Open access to information to educate the public about cybersecurity risks and solutions
  • Inclusive comprehensive exchange of information among social and computer science researchers, industry, and government
  • Unbiased impartial presentation of research results
  • Empowering Canadians to take control of their own cybersecurity
  • Resilient responses to the ever changing world that is cybersecurity
  • Evidence-based information founded on research and facts
  • Innovative new ideas and methods
  • End-user (or demand) focused research and information